Pembayaran Pelunasan Korban Lumpur Lapindo Masih Mendapatkan Janji Dari Minarak Lapindo Jaya Sekitar 250 Warga Korban Lumpur Lapindo Yang Tinggal Di Kahuripan Nirwan Terima Sertifikat Rumahnya Korban Leasing Sulit Mendapatkan Keadilan dari Kepolisian Polres Sidaorjo Tidak Menanggapai Laporan Korban Leasing Korban Leasing Takut Untuk Membuat Laporan Kepada Kepolisan Program Anak Asuh JAS MERAH untuk Anak-Anak Kurang Beruntung Isu Kudeta Tidak Terbukti, Lapas Di Jogja di Kudeta Pasukan Tidak Dikenal PT. MINARAK LAPINDO JAYA YANG BERJANJI MENYELESAIKAN SERTIFIKAT WARGA KAHURIPAN PADA BULAN OKTOBER, TIDAK TERBUKTI

Rabu, 22 September 2010

Early Tragedy Lapindo Hot Mud Shot In Sidoarjo

Lapindo Mudflow early start issuing Lumpur Lapindo Hot Heat on May 29, 2006, and nearly 4tahun Lapindo hot mudflow until now is still a lot of raises and leaves many issues still unresolved thoroughly and better, starting at the center technically handling bursts as well as on the social impact to the residents and surrounding communities as well as victims who went on the affected map issued by the Central Government through the Presidential Regulation 14/2007, 14/2007 in the regulation also explains that the handling of compensation and residents of assets as shown below:

15 Article
(1) the purpose of handling social problems, PT Lapindo Brantas buying land and building communities affected by mudflow in Sidoarjo with payment in stages, according to the affected area on the map March 22, 2007 with a deed of sale and purchase of evidence of land ownership broad outlines of land and location approved by the Government.
(2) Payment is gradual, as it has been approved and conducted in areas that are included in the map of the area affected by four December 2006, 20% (twenty percent) is paid upfront and the remainder paid no later than one month before the contract term house 2 (two) years exhausted.
(3) The costs of social problems outside the affected areas map dated 22 March 2007, after signing of this Presidential Regulation, charged State Budget.
(4) Map of affected areas as referred to in paragraph (a) and paragraph (3) is as contained in the Annex to this Presidential Regulation.
(5th) Cost reduction efforts include the mudflow handling the main dike until Kali Porong charged to PT Lapindo Brantas.
(6) Fees for the handling of problems of infrastructure, including infrastructure for the handling of mudflow in Sidoarjo, chargeable to the State Budget and Other funding sources are legitimate.

Approximately 13 237 incoming files that are affected by the map on March 22, 2007. Their land is submerged Lapindo hot mud phiskis and consequently suffered a prolonged loss of living space due to the settlement redress, which until now has not been clearly point at last. Although the regulation 14/2007 guarantee citizens to obtain their rights, PT. Representatives of PT Lapindo Brantas through. Minarak Lapindo Jaya as an interpreter paid for it still continues to survive at its founding to pay in payment of 80% in stages of 15 million monthly cost to citizens who fall into the map affected.

Around 7823 the file is cleared payment.
Around 4883 the file, still in progress installment ...??? (From May residents have not received Installments of PT. Minarak Lapindo Jaya)
Cash & Resettlement is still there around 1500 kk / units that are still not clear certainty of completion certificate when ...???

Polemics the cause of the Lapindo hot mudflow which occurred in Porong in Sidoarjo, exactly that happened in Yogyakarta earthquake two days earlier used as an excuse and a scapegoat for the emergence of hot mud flow in the area of drilling PT. Lapindo Brantas in Porong banjar banner, force majeur There are scenarios in order to avoid responsibility by law. However, Richard J Davies, in his article to make sure that the epicenter was not far enough of eruption of mud may affect them conclude that drilling activities yag done by. Of Lapindo Brantas as an eruption trigger, based on drilling data black box.

It is also quite convinced of the existence of a warning letter from Medco, the other owners in the Brantas block from PT. Lapindo Brantas. In a letter addressed to the Director of Lapindo Brantas Inc. No date letter. MGT-088/JKT/06 dated June 5, 2006, states that operators have ignored warnings to do the installation of casing at a depth of 8500ft (2590 meters), which has been submitted in the technical meeting on May 18, 2006. As a result, Medco refused to bear the cost of indemnity as already agreed in the contractual joint ventures between them.

Meanwhile, East Java Regional Police task role overseeing the development and anticipate every movement of citizens who signed on the map that are not affected or impacted on the map entry, and overcome incredible congestion on the path in Porong, while for the police criminal process complicated by the opinions of experts Page imported. Lapindo mudflow directing as a natural disaster, in the case of East Java Police have set 12 suspects in the case of the occurrence of hot mud flow in Porong, namely the five men of PT Medici Citra Nusantara, three people from PT Lapindo Brantas, a person from PT Energi Mega Persada and three people from the PT Three Season Jaya. Page Three Season Jaya, Lapindo mud-related cases because they are a service provider of drill rigs or suspects snared article The suspects snared Article 187 and Article 188 of the Penal Code and Law No. 23/1997 Article 41 paragraph 1 and Article 42 concerning environmental pollution, with legal threat 12 years in prison. "Automatic environmental pollution of this Act has included corporate crimes for damaging the environment," said Deputy Chief of Police Public Relation Division, Brigadier General Anton Bachrul Alam who since the year 2009 became police chief of East Java, on the other hand is the Prosecutor who want a single entity expert opinion, several BAP restore times to police, who finally East Java Regional Police Command issued a letter of Termination of Investigation (SP3) on 5 August 2009 months ago.

Regents and the Governor who should be representative of the mud victims ultimately 'saved' by discharge regulation 14/2007, they argued that the problems occurring in hot mud in Sidoarjo has been handled by the central government. For the same reason also conveyed the people's representatives who sit in Parliament and provincial districts.

Government through the Presidential Regulation 14/2007 to form a body or institution for the national team handling Lapindo hot mud in Sidoarjo working lives caps apply only six months, after a period of national team duty over the Government formed a new institution which Sidoarjo Mud Disaster Agency (BPLS). How is the performance of the task force is also a question mark. Today, a citizen of casualties mud, illustrates that the work was only embank BPLS mud and stick to technical matters in the dike only. All this is far from the expectation that citizens will act BPLS help accelerate the fulfillment of the right of victims of the mud which enter in the map that is not affected or impacted into the map. BPLS clearly did not do the obvious steps to prevent the danger caused by new hot mudflow which to this day appears to reach the 176 figure.

Suspicion of the Lapindo hot mud is extremely dangerous, as evidenced already. In addition to various research institutions have published a variety of media, WALHI East Java have been doing research early and heavy metal content of polycyclic aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water and mud Lapindo. Based research report (May 2008), the amount of content found in it 'horrible.' Step reckless management of the mud without any special treatment, to be a big mistake.

Governments and corporations who have the responsibility and resources should be more careful in managing the mud. Heavy metals content in water and mud from the Lapindo detected far beyond the threshold specified raw Indonesian health regulations. Levels for lead (Pb) were highest reaches 20.9853 mg / l was found in samples from the region also Besuki. This was well above the threshold limit of 0.05 mg / l. Porong river from the western area has been contaminated with the heavy metals, and becomes more severe when thousands of liters of the Lapindo hot mud flushed into them. Water samples at the point of coordinates S 07o32'10 .7 "E 112o51'01 .7" east river pointing figures 1.05 mg / l for lead, 0.2 higher odds than the control sample Porong the western bridge (0.8035). Porong river sediments also pointed to high numbers, with the findings of levels of 4.7341 mg / l in one sample points. Total contamination (Cd) more severe, the lowest 0.2341 mg / l, and the highest mg 0.4638 / l. Far above the threshold if it refers to Kep.Menkes No. 907/2002 which peg the rate 0.003 mg / l.

Same thing was found for PAHs. Two types examined include Chrysene and Benz (a) anthracene was found above the threshold. PP No. 41 year 1999 mentioned threshold PAH (in dust) are allowed in the neighborhood is equal to 0.23 mg/m3. Total for Chrysene found, the lowest 203.41 tg / kg and the highest reaches up to 806.31 tg / kg. The highest concentration was found in samples of mud from Besuki. While Benz (a) anthracene was found in the sample point location three mud baths with the lowest number of 0.4214 mg / kg and the highest 0.5174 mg / kg. The average amount of more than two thousand times above the threshold level is staggering. Periodic monitoring and handling of special emergency must be done immediately.

PAH is a group of chemical compounds that is formed from incomplete combustion of gas, coal, petroleum, timber, garbage or other organic chemical compounds such as tobacco. PAH are also found throughout the environment both in the air, water, and as associated with dust particles or as solids in the sediment or land. The number is estimated at about 10 000 compounds. Triggers carcinogenic properties of tumor, skin cancer, lung cancer and bladder cancer. Can enter the human body through the respiratory tract caused by inhaling gas waste containing PAH compounds in it. Contaminated foods or beverages that this compound will also affect the body if consumed. The faster is the interaction directly by touching contaminated soil or water PAH. Although in low concentrations, these compounds can be absorbed through the skin pores.

Safety and welfare of citizens victims of mud has been at stake in a matter material losses through a scheme of selling the land and buildings as set out in regulation 14 / 2007, Presidential Decree 48/2008 and Presidential Decree 40/2009 laws made lean as collateral for the fulfillment of rights of citizens by the PT even this is still negotiable . Lapindo is not giving any guarantees. In fact, if compared, the amount to be received will not be sufficient treatment if the effects of heavy metals and PAHs have emerged some time to come. Health insurance for all citizens absolutely the responsibility of corporations and countries.

Viewing conditions and the fact this should no reason for the government and corporations to avoid and postpone the replacement of the material rights of citizens. Letter of the National Land Agency (BPN) dated March 24, 2008 confirmed the existence of guarantees for the land other than certificates of property rights (Yasan, Gogol, letter C, D petok, and HGB) can be moved with the same status. Only the stupid companies who want land rights in this country. In the regulation of agrarian Indonesia (BAL NO. 5 / 1960) has already been set Property rights of land ownership is only for individuals. Corporations can only get the right form of Hak Guna (HGU / HGB) or the Right to Use a limited period of time. This is what is always a good excuse not to replace the remnants of the rights of victims 80% of mud that has only letters Petok Letter C or D, as agreed in the agreements entered between citizens and the corporation, and bargained with the resettlement scheme.
An accident last July PARTY preoccupied with the agenda of directors election, which brought forward as a candidate for Regent of Sidoarjo candidate, at the same time in June, the conglomerate Bakrie family, known as one of the owners of corporations ruling the Brantas block in East Java held a happy party marriage is one of the family. Complete has a bad history of this country, two processions were held and spent a lot of cost for a procession without seeing the slightest pain and how the fate of victims of mud.

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